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Rule Based Replacement of Pronoun by Corresponding Noun for Bangla News Documents

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJTD.2017040102
Published by: IGI Global


The object of this research work is to replace pronoun by corresponding noun for Bangla news documents. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first initiative to solve the problem of dangling pronoun where corresponding noun is not available. If the information retrieval procedures extract any sentence with dangling pronoun, it may raise confusion to the user. To mitigate this problem, a method has been proposed here by using general and special tagging, dependency parsing, full name identifying and finally pronoun replacing. For achieving the target of this method, 3000 Bangla news documents have been analyzed and some grammar books have been studied. Seven knowledgeable persons in the arena of Bangla language also helped us in this research work. Finally, the proposed method shows 71.80% accuracy in the evaluation for replacing pronoun.