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Viewing Alone or Together

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJICST.2016010104
Published by: IGI Global


Online sexually explicit materials (SEM) may be viewed in various viewing contexts (e.g., alone, with friends, with a partner). However, research has not yet determined whether the viewing context can have an impact upon sexual attitudes and perceptions. To this end, data were collected from 303 college students who view SEM and analyzed to determine the relationships. When controlling for gender, findings indicate that individuals who more frequently view SEM alone also report a heightened sexual interest and favorable view toward casual sex. In contrast, the frequency with which SEM was viewed with friends was associated with a decreased sexual interest. Finally, the frequency with which individuals view SEM with a partner is negatively associated with beliefs about the importance of condom use. The paper concludes with discussion of these findings as well as directions for future research.