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Full Field Imaging Ellipsometry (FFIE) Platform Using CCD Camera and Advanced Software for Simultaneous Spots' Sensing and Measurement

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJMTIE.2017010104
Published by: IGI Global


This article describes a new approach for performing full field imaging ellipsometry. In this new technique, the objective lens of a high numerical aperture microscope is used to illuminate the surface of a 2D object. The light reflected from each point of the surface is gathered by the same lens and projected onto a 2D CCD detectors array; thus, enabling the measurement of numerous surface points simultaneously. Using this simple method, areas of up to 0.9 cm2 can be measured with high accuracy. Since the nanotechnology domain is rapidly growing, such a technique can bring benefits to the scientific community, facing the need to analyze large surfaces of thin films.