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A Linguistic Exploration of Indigenous Languages Adverts

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJTIAL.2019070104
Published by: IGI Global


This article analyses the language of two SABC 1 isiNdebele TV Adverts with English translations. The indigenous languages adverts are analysed using a critical discourse approach (hereafter CDA). Adverts the world over, it has been observed, are best understood in the major languages of commerce, usually English. This article proffers an analysis of the advert as any text that has permeated unequal power relations, ideological inclinations and manipulative aspects. Thus, the analysis of the target adverts looks at how the structure and substance of adverts have been translated and transmuted to be understood in the language of the advert but achieving the major drive of adverts in general. This article argues that text can be realised linguistically as well as visually and analysis is instituted to bring to the fore the form, structure, and effect of the text.