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Information Seeking and Online Deal Seeking Behavior

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.2019100107
Published by: IGI Global


Deal-seeking behavior is booming over the last decade. This article aims to identify online deal-seeking resources, understand the current status of online deal-seeking and identify key insights and trends for understanding online deal seeker's behaviors. The authors first conducted an in-depth review of the relevant literature including white papers, survey reports, online news articles, as well as, numerous postings on multiple deal-seeking websites. Then, a blog mining approach is used to mine relevant blog posts they found from the Internet. The article identifies different types of online deal-seeking resources and summarizes key insights and trends for understanding online deal seeker's behaviors. Online deal seeking behavior is a subject that is not well explored. The article summarizes key insights and trends for understanding online deal seeker's behaviors. Information-seeking theories are used to help explain shopper's online deal-seeking behaviors.