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Measurement System Analysis and System Thinking in Six Sigma

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJSDA.2020010103
Published by: IGI Global


This article investigated measurement system analysis and system thinking in Six Sigma, as well as the factors that influence these actions. If the measurement system being used to accumulate data from the process delivers dependable and accurate results, the measurement system analysis regulates it. Process improvement initiatives can be derailed by faulty measurement systems. Also, managers who have read faulty data can be misled into making wrong decisions. To collect trustworthy data, a reliable measurement system is established with this process. A method to assess an organization as a system and interpret its practices as a whole with Six Sigma is system thinking. Also, fixing a system as a whole helps to identify the real causes of issues and to know where to address them. This article addressed the contribution of these two methods to an overall success of an organization operating Six Sigma. The most current variables, concepts, and models were studied within operations and project management. By using a design-science-investigate strategy, this study approved of a valuable growth reveal for reasonable and hypothetical application. This study allowed us to generate a fitting assessment model that will fill the research void. Also, this study contributed to the engineering field with improved project success rates and team communication.