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How to Integrate Universities and Cities Through Local Spatial Developments

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJEPR.2020010104
Published by: IGI Global


As irreplaceable knowledge infrastructures, universities have been acknowledged to play the roles of fostering knowledge workers, supporting knowledge economies, and building knowledge cities. Through spatial developments, localized interactions can be built between cities and universities. There has been a global trend to design new knowledge precincts revolving around universities to make knowledge cities. This article focuses on how the local governments in Wuhan, known as the “Forest of Campus” in China, have proposed the vision of making a “Univercity,” building knowledge cities by integrating universities and cities through local spatial developments. To interpret the concept of the knowledge precinct namely “Univercity,” an analytical framework has been set up in the dimensions of fostering knowledge workers, supporting knowledge economies and building knowledge cities. Then, the spatial strategies of making a “Univercity” have been given accordingly, including enhancing the interaction between universities, knowledge businesses, and knowledge cities.