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Involvement of the Applied Translation Procedures in Compatibility of Persian Medical Terms With International Naming Criteria

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJTIAL.2020010103
Published by: IGI Global


Medical language, as many technical languages, is rich with morphologically complex words. The increasing number of foreign words and specific terms incorporated into the native language are due to the ongoing development of technology and science. Many problems appear in medical translation when the Persian translators try to employ non-Persian or imported words in medical texts, in which multiple equivalents may be created for one particular word based on the individual preferences of authors and translators in the target language. According to this study, following the analysis of the data based on the applied translation procedures and word formation processes, the compatibility of the resulted characteristics has been investigated based on Sager's naming criteria and it is concluded that the main problem is due to the translation procedures of borrowing and substitution.