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Entrepreneurial innovative network and the design of socio-economic neural system

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJSDA.2020040105
Published by: IGI Global


This article aims to establish how an idea becomes an innovation and how creativity, collective dynamics, and information are interconnected. The results of the study showed that the emergence of innovations is closely connected with collective collaboration, and that it is impossible outside of group dynamics. The process of self-organization and collective decision-making is realized through a synergistic interaction, which then transforms into the so-called “information laser” and serves as a basis for the emergence of innovation. Both individuals (as persons and as separate entrepreneurs) are the elements of the innovation system and the actors of the artificial neural network–socio-economic neural systems (SENS-systems). These systems act through self-organization and corporate collaboration, and the efforts of each element are amplified through the interaction with the other elements. The model of the SENS-systems can explain how the individual idea transforms into innovation and spreads throughout the world.