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A New Digital Approach to Strategic Activities

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJBSA.2020040102
Published by: IGI Global


As automation increasingly influences businesses, digitalization technologies and tools such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, etc., become essential to support the definition and implementation of strategy activities aimed at improving businesses' competitiveness in the digital, cloud-based, and data-driven world. Since this business growth corresponds to an enormous increase in the data volumes, it is fundamental for businesses to adopt several digital solutions in their strategy process together with a tailored digital strategy embedded in their strategic plan. The purpose of this article is to critically analyse the classic strategy activities' latest trends/needs and how they could be properly addressed by the available digital technologies. Finally, for every activity are mentioned some best practices tools and software, supported by management consultants, since they trigger a high return on investment in term of the time savings, less dedicated resources, and final business performance.