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Creating Inclusive Cultures for Women in Automation and Information Technology Careers and Occupations

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJBSA.2020040104
Published by: IGI Global


Automation will be central to the next phase of business technology transformation, driving new levels of customer value such as faster delivery of products, higher quality and dependability, deeper personalization, and greater convenience. This business transformation phase will require workers with new skills at all levels. There are significant shortages of women in leadership job roles in information technology and automation. There are also significant disparities with pay and opportunities for women in those fields. As a result, it is critical to understand the organizational cultural change strategies that information technology (IT) and automation companies can make to employ more females in information technology and automation positions and address gender pay issues and gender exclusivity issues currently existing in today's workplace. This article intends to influence the world of practice through the execution of a literature review content analysis.