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Using Virtual Rehearsal in a Simulator to Impact the Performance of Science Teachers

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJGCMS.2019100101
Published by: IGI Global


This study investigated the use of a virtual learning environment, TeachLivE, using pre-post group design to examine the effects of repeated virtual rehearsal sessions. Based upon past findings on the effectiveness of four 10-minutes sessions, the research team used refined methods to examine the effects of these sessions on 102 secondary science teachers. Teachers who took part in the simulated activities significantly increased their targeted behaviors compared to colleagues who had not taken part in the simulation activities. These results of behavior changes that occurred in the simulation were found to transfer back to the real classroom settings for the experimental group (simulation use). Results from this study further validates the impact of simulation in teacher education, showing professional learning in virtual-reality simulated classrooms can positively impact targeted teaching practices in a concentrated amount of time.