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The Extent of Using E-Learning Among Teachers of Higher Basic Stage in Jordan

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJICTE.2020070105
Published by: IGI Global


This study aimed at exploring the extent of using e-learning among teachers of higher basic stages in one of the southern governorates in Jordan. The researchers used the descriptive approach to collect, analyze the data, and to interpret the results. The study sample consisted of 365 male and female teachers, and it was selected by using the stratified random sampling method. A questionnaire was developed to collect the data, and its validity and reliability were checked. The study results showed that the teachers were using e-learning moderately. In addition, there were no statistically significant differences due to the variables of gender and specialization. However, there were statistically significant differences due to the experience variable. In light of the study results, teachers should use e-learning strategy in their teaching process regardless the subject of the course content. In addition, teachers who have five years and more in teaching experiences should obtain training that focus on the updated use of technology tools.