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Technological Approaches for E-Content Development and Deployment

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJICTE.2020070107
Published by: IGI Global


Success of any web product and application relies upon how thoughtfully and wisely technology has been implemented for developing and deploying that product – be it e-commerce product or e-learning product. Alongside pedagogy, application of appropriate technology is the important determinant for an effective and engrossing learning experience of any e-content or e-learning system. To understand the proper utilization of IT strategies for e-content development, the qualitative method of research has been used in this study by which content analysis has been done on the interviewed data, gathered from the IT professionals, with the help of Atlas.Ti software. The findings of this study suggest how web technology can be deployed for e-content in the five identified stages, namely – programming language, web application framework, presentation/design, content creation and server-side technology including cloud storage. For this, a comprehensive technical guideline along framework for e-content development and deployment has been formulated.