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Mobile Cloud Forensic Readiness Process Model for Cloud-Based Mobile Applications

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJDCF.2020070105
Published by: IGI Global


Nowadays, mobile cloud applications have attracted millions of smartphone users due to the proliferation of cyber technologies and a wide range of applications. Mobile cloud forensic investigation methodologies need tremendous growth due to the increasing crime incidents. The forensic readiness model plays a significant role in the forensic investigation framework by ensuring the ease of investigation to the forensic investigator. The existing forensic readiness supports either the mobile device or cloud environment, which lacks to prepare the information for the investigation. This article presents a mobile cloud forensic readiness process model to identify the factors and prepare the information that effectively supports forensic investigations. The proposed model involves requirements for the mobile cloud forensics from multiple perspectives with the aim of developing the forensic-ready system. As a result, the proposed forensic readiness model enables the mobile cloud forensic to improve the accuracy of investigation as well as reduces the investigation time significantly.