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Organic Business Modeling and the Organism-Ecosystem Unit Duality

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJPCH.20190701.oa1
Published by: IGI Global


The health of a corporation relies most heavily upon healthy human beings' value-based productivity for optimal growth and evolution. A duality between personhoods and their respective systems' weighted impacts are in question, as the U.S. Healthcare industries weighted impact affects all other U.S.-GDP subsectors. The author performed an analysis of 21 main U.S.-GDP subsectors based on unclassified 1960-2014 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis reports. The author derived a [Consumption:Value] ratio-based equation, demonstrating results in [0.0,2.0] and U.S. dollar scales. The U.S.-GDP-Healthcare subsector increased its average annual consumption by $122,232,000,000 and was part of the U.S.-GDP's 71.4% demonstrating a reduced value ratio between 1960-1969 and 2005-2014. The author describe a weighted duality of personhoods classification, a potential ripple effect violation, and presents a new description of a pathologic, malignant organic business model due to a negatively balanced [Consumption:Value] alteration. These findings highlight reduced marginal utility and value of the U.S.-Healthcare subsector.