Cover Image for System.Linq.Enumerable+EnumerablePartition`1[System.Char]

An Efficient Cloud Data Center Allocation to the Source of Requests

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JOEUC.2020070103
Published by: IGI Global


A Cloud data center is a network of virtualized resources, namely virtualized servers. They provision on-demand services to the source of requests ranging from virtual machines to virtualized storage and virtualized networks. The cloud data center service requests can come from different sources across the world. It is desirable for enhancing Quality of Service (QoS), which is otherwise known as a service level agreement (SLA), an agreement between cloud service requester and cloud service consumer on QoS, to allocate the cloud data center closest to the source of requests. This article models a Cloud data center network as a graph and proposes an algorithm, modified Breadth First Search where the source of requests assigned to the Cloud data centers based on a cost threshold, which limits the distance between them. Limiting the distance between Cloud data centers and the source of requests leads to faster service provisioning. The proposed algorithm is tested for various graph instances and is compared with modified Voronoi and modified graph-based K-Means algorithms that they assign source of requests to the cloud data centers without limiting the distance between them. The proposed algorithm outperforms two other algorithms in terms of average time taken to allocate the cloud data center to the source of requests, average cost and load distribution.