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Using Deming's Cycle for Improvement in a Course

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJWLTT.2020070103
Published by: IGI Global


The boundaries between accounting and technology is becoming fuzzier as accounting companies are becoming consulting companies. Digital economies are changing business models and companies that do not adept can become obsolete very fast. Even professional organizations are recommending using technology to modernize, automate and expedite accounting discipline. Therefore, it is necessary to train personnel to become competent in both technology and accounting. Universities are fulfilling this requirement by offering courses such as Accounting Information Systems, data analytics, big data, etc. This article uses Deming's PlanDoCheckAct (PDCA) cycle for longitudinal assessment and improvement of the AIS course. Instead of re-inventing the wheel, instructors can learn from our experience. This article would be useful for instructors trying different and emerging approaches. In addition, this article would be useful for instructors trying to engage students and to train them for future challenges.