Cover Image for System.Linq.Enumerable+EnumerablePartition`1[System.Char]

Fuzzy Ontology-Based Querying User' Requests Under Uncertain Environment

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJCINI.2020070103


Assistance with the use of technical devices is required as soon as the tasks to be performed become complex. This assistance is also needed as soon as the authors provide assistance to users to find solutions to incidents that occur during the application of unsuitable procedures. The goal of this work is then to provide a knowledge extraction approach that can interpret user requests into valid system requests to respond appropriately to novice user requests. This approach is based on a fuzzy semantic network for the modeling of imprecise and uncertain knowledge and the automatic construction of temporary fuzzy ontology for the identification and interpretation of user requests. The proposed approach has the advantage of being able to integrate the notion of uncertain and imprecise knowledge into the representation of system objects and procedures. The experimental results show the efficiency and the effectiveness of the approach.