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DNA Epidemic Model Construction and Dynamics Optimization

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJCINI.2020070105
Published by: IGI Global


In order to solve some complex optimization problems, the SIR-DNA algorithm was constructed based on the DNA-based SIR (susceptible-infectious-recovered) infectious disease model. Since infectious diseases attack a very small part of the individual's genes, the number of variables per treatment is small; thus, the natural dimensionality reduction of the algorithm is achieved. Based on the DNA-SIR infectious disease model, different infections can be distinguished in the pathogenesis of viruses. The mechanisms of disease transmission are described by the SIR model, and these are used to construct operators such as SS, SI, II, IR, RR, and RS, so that individuals can naturally exchange information naturally through disease transmission. The test results show that the algorithm has the characteristics of strong search ability and has a high convergence speed for solving complex optimization problems.