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The Framework to Support the Digital Evidence Handling

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JCIT.2020070104


Digital evidence has a different meaning from physical evidence, but even though it is different, both are a unity of evidence that supports each other in the investigation process. Unfortunately, laws and regulations generally have not been oriented to the terminology of digital evidence that should be. It becomes a research challenge in how the handling of digital evidence also gets the same treatment as physical evidence. For this reason, technical studies are needed to support the application of law and regulations for digital evidence handling. This article provides a solution in the form of digital evidence cabinets as a framework to support the centralization of digital evidence that following the applicable regulations of procedures for the management of evidence in the territory of Indonesia. This concept can translate the centralization of digital evidence through the analogy of physical cabinet and the interpretation of cabinet, rack, bags, and evidence unit with types of criminals, list of crimes, list of crime scenes and list of digital evidence at one crime scene.