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How to Humanize Technology in Smart Cities

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJEPR.2020070104
Published by: IGI Global


The article describes a personal point of view on the relationships between technology innovations in smart cities and how they are used for the benefits of the residents. Are they technologically or humanly characterized? Are we able to humanize technology for the need of the residents? Addressing my point of view, first of all, I have to confess that I belong to the “x” generation and therefore a gap divides me from updated technologies that are born almost every minute around the globe. Second, this is not a research paper or data analysis. Third, an additional set of questions will focus on the direction/s technology is pushing the interfaces with city residents. The paper argues that citizen-centered humanized approach for the future of smart cities is needed for shifting technology- centered to human and social considerations