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Continuous Technological Improvement Using Systems Engineering Principles to Achieve Sustainability

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJSDA.2020070101
Published by: IGI Global


The design of a continuous plan would benefit society, as seen in systems engineering. To understand complex systems and to uphold the principles of stability, systems engineering has shown that it is a discipline of great importance. The principle of continuous technological improvement has augmented this idea, as the quality improvement of the design to meet inherent objectives would be the focus. This study aims to present the necessity of continuous technological improvement through systems engineering principles for socioeconomic and community-oriented growth. Thus, the context that would tackle global concerns and facilitate humanity's growth toward knowledge would be the application of technology. The context at hand, the design of systems thinking, and the overall approach taken to promote deeper perspectives has been illustrated in various literature. Healthcare, chemical production and organizational development are various fields of distinction that have shown evidence from the investigation into related literature. To streamline quality, as well as to maintain high quantities of production, all employed systems engineering have focused on technological improvements. In the field of industrial engineering, for a stable industry in which the system operates, this line of thinking is crucial.