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Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Research

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JBE.20200701.oa1
Published by: IGI Global


The entrepreneurial ecosystem stream of research is relatively new, yet it has started to attract the attention of scholars across a range of disciplines including international business and international entrepreneurship. Review studies are needed to consolidate the research and to illustrate the status quo and present visions for research going forward. This study aims to do so by applying bibliometric process technique. The present study summarizes the key countries and institutions, source journals, scholars and publications, and key themes encompassing the domain of entrepreneurial ecosystem research up to 2019. The findings illustrate an exponential growth of research covering a wide array of disciplines and top journals, observe several influential scholars and their collaboration networks, and find that the studies remain distinctly practitioner focused. In addition, six themes within the research domain are identified. The multilevel analysis gives a comprehensive overview of the entrepreneurial ecosystem domain.