Cover Image for System.Linq.Enumerable+EnumerablePartition`1[System.Char]

Large-Scale Software-Defined IoT Platform for Provisioning IoT Services on Demand

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/ijssta.20200101.oa1
Published by: IGI Global


Internet of things (IoT) has developed into an interconnected platform infrastructure for providing everyday services. Emerging end-to-end IoT services are being developed for local and multiple distributed regions. To realize the on-demand services in a timely and economically beneficial way, programmability and reusability are crucial for provisioning and reusing IoT resources. Existing IoT platforms are rigid and cannot be easily adapted to accommodate new services. This paper proposes a programmable large-scale software-defined IoT model for provisioning IoT services on demand with two levels of management and orchestration. One orchestrates services over geographically distributed clusters and the other orchestrates services over IoT devices within a cluster. The model entails the design of IoT-specific controllers, software-defined virtual sensors, and a new protocol for managing resource-constrained but enriched devices. The model allows provisioning and resource-sharing of end-to-end IoT services on demand. Implementation results demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed model.