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Career Anchors of IT/IS Personnel

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.2020100109
Published by: IGI Global


While career anchors have mainly studied in the US society; this study demonstrates the difference in the career anchors of the information technology/information system (IT/IS) personnel rooted in different cultures. The survey was conducted in the PRC (202), Taiwan (145), India (223), the UAE (167), and the US (122) totaling 859 respondents. This study examines the relationship between the guanxi culture, career anchor, job satisfaction, and turnover intention among these five cultural societies' IT/IS personnel. The result shows that the guanxi culture has a different effect on each career anchor, and each one also has a different effect on job satisfaction in the five different cultural societies as well; thus, they have different results in the research model. Also discussed are the implications of the study and its contribution to the research and management practice.