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Critical Evaluation of Continuous Improvement and Its Implementation in SMEs

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJAIE.2020010102
Published by: IGI Global


The purpose of this paper is to represent the current scenario of continuous improvement activities of SMEs in Indian context in different sectors. Literature study focuses on the approach of implementation of CI activities in SME, overseas, and Indian sub-continent based on the tools and techniques adopted. Continuous Improvement is an organisational innovation and design principles rooted in TQM paradigm in context with Indian SMEs. An increase in the number of SMEs in developing country like India give rise to a number of organizations to impart focus towards the emphasis on improvements, performances, cost reductions, benchmarked products, etc. to achieve competitive success and sustain in the present turbulent environment. SMEs significantly contribute to industrial and national economy to any developing country to be competitive in this era of international business. SMEs generally are observed with lack of financial resources, time, and efficient number of expertise, as advocated by number of authors.