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An Analysis for the Use of Simulation Modeling in Reducing Patient Waiting Time in Emergency Departments (EDs) in Hospitals

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJAIE.2020010103
Published by: IGI Global


The emergency department (ED) plays crucial role in providing 24-hour healthcare services to the ill with speed, accuracy, and sympathy. ED faces the problem of patient waiting time, which leads to patient dissatisfaction and patient crowding. This paper presents a systematic literature review of simulation of ED in healthcare systems from 1970 to 2013. The objectives of this review are to highlight the importance and role of simulation studies to solve the problem of patient waiting time faced by the ED. It also discusses how simulation can be better applied as a tool to solve these problems. The authors found that these simulation studies focus important insights into ED problems, but they also had some limitations that should be addressed.