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Tongwei County Library

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJLIS.2021010104
Published by: IGI Global


Through the cooperation with the Evergreen Education Foundation in the United States, the Tongwei rural library network has been set up and a cooperation service alliance between a public library and school libraries has been built; using project funding by Evergreen, it reached out to the local communities, and meanwhile, it carried out small projects to enhance its service capacity. Through participation in the Evergreen-sponsored international conferences, training, and projects, librarians have improved their service capabilities and sharpened their awareness of library services. Based on the local cultural characteristics and user needs, and funded by a grant from Hangzhou Library Foundation, Tongwei County Library has established a reading room as a space where people can read calligraphy and painting materials. In addition, it carried out special collections services, shot the documentary film “Autumn Story,” and held “Tongwei impression.” It is the first county library to achieve management automation, and the national-level library in the fifth national public library assessment.