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A Critical Study on Translation of the Analects

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJTIAL.20210101.oa4
Published by: IGI Global


“Ideology” shapes our discourse practices and is closely related to the translation activities. This paper attempts to explore how ideological factors influence the cultural transmission of Confucianism through a comparative analysis of the three versions of the great Chinese classical works the Analects that are translated by Raymond Dawson, Ames and Rosemont, and Edward Slingerland. In this comparative study, the paper focuses on the important role of the ideology in the process of translating the Analects through a discussion of the possible reasons behind the translation strategies. The paper concludes with a consideration of how ideology imposes on translation for cultural communication, negotiation, and transformation. It is hoped to demonstrate the ideological influences on the translated works, provide useful suggestions for the translation of Chinese classical works, and promote the international dialogue between China and the Western world.