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Learning Management System Adoption

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJWLTT.2021010104
Published by: IGI Global


The growing popularity of online learning has put learning management systems (LMS) at the forefront of learning technologies. The adoption of LMS by students has therefore been a major driving force for online education. However, true adoption must transcend initial use for significant success. This study utilizes the theory of planned behavior (TPB) to gain new insights on students' short-term versus long-term adoption of LMS. Specifically, it examines the determinants of initial use and continuance use through the lens of the TPB. Results obtained from a sample of 248 undergraduate students suggest that difference in continuing use and initial use decision depends on differences in the influences of personal control perceptions about technology and subjective norms. Protagonists of online education will find these results interesting in that it provides insights for developing intervention strategies that can help in increasing online education adoption regardless of whether the focus is long-term or short-term.