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An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Statistical Tools in Project Management Environments

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJSDA.2020100101
Published by: IGI Global


Projects are very important to all organizations, as project managers view various issues in the organization from a higher perspective. The conclusions drawn from these projects determine the base on which various decisions affecting the organizations will be made. This paper introduces the statistical analysis tools used in various project environments to differentiate between the effective and ineffective tools of statistical analysis. Statistical analysis tools are useful in analyzing data collected for a study to be conducted on the same data. The literature review illustrates how statistical analysis tools have been effective and useful to researchers. Over time, more effective statistical tools will be invented that will improve the process of data analysis. The findings on different statistical analysis tools will also be highlighted. Thus, the discussions show the impact, applications, and lessons learned from the statistical analysis tools by the project managers and engineers. The study will also present the limitations, along with the conclusions and recommendations.