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Powerpoint Presentation Evaluation Based on Aggregation of Quality Criteria

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJICTE.2021010101
Published by: IGI Global


Today, there is no consensus about proper timing and conditions for integration of PowerPoint presentations into the educational process. But the model-based evaluation can make a decision-making process easier when it comes to using presentations. The purpose of this study is to build a formal model to evaluate presentations. In order to build a formal model, the authors suggest employing hierarchical structure consisting of aggregation operators, such as the weighted averaging operator, minimum operator, and fuzzy Choquet integral. The proposed formal model shows experts' knowledge of the interdependencies between the criteria. The experiment described in the paper demonstrates the effectiveness of such a model as it allows to formalize expert preferences gradually, which may include interdependencies between the quality criteria of a presentation. Thus, this model will allow to store, analyze, and compare presentations properties that are necessary for their successful application.