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An Experimental Evaluation of a Teaching Approach for Statistical Process Control in Computer Courses

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJICTE.2021010110
Published by: IGI Global


In organizations that are seeking a high degree of maturity, it is necessary to achieve a statistical control of software processes and to know their behavior and operational performance. The approach adopted for the research involves reading articles and experience performance reports, practical cases, discussion, the use of games and simulators, practical projects, and reflection by students on the knowledge learned and activities carried out. The evaluation was conducted with undergraduates enrolled in a Computer Science Bachelor's degree programme, who were divided into a control group and an experimental group. At the end, the two groups carried out a practical project to evaluate the learning effectiveness reached by the students. The results of the study suggest that there was a difference in the effectiveness of the learning resulting from the teaching approach and traditional instruction. The authors observed a mean gain of 30.06% in the experimental group, which is evidence of this rise in the learning effectiveness.