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A Perception-Based Model for Mobile Commerce Adoption in Vietnamese Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.2021010103
Published by: IGI Global


This paper investigates the critical determinants for the adoption of mobile commerce (m-commerce) in Vietnamese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the perspective of managers. A perception-based conceptual model is developed with respect to the technology-organization-environment framework. The conceptual model is then tested and validated using structural equation modelling on the data collected from 513 SMEs in Vietnam. The study shows that perceived benefits, perceived compatibility, perceived security, perceived organizational readiness, and perceived customer pressures are critical for the adoption of m-commerce. As the first study on the critical determinants for m-commerce adoption in Vietnam, these findings are useful for SME managers as well as policymakers in designing policies as strategies to promote the wide development and diffusion of m-commerce in SMEs in Vietnam and other developing countries.