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Fuzzy Vikor Application for Learning Management Systems Evaluation in Higher Education

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJICTE.2021040102


Adopting learning management systems (LMS) in higher education has become a major focus of interest to implement e-learning. Evaluating the quality of LMS is important to improve learner outcomes and promote teaching strategy. Many LMSs are emerging and thus assisting higher institutions to choose the adequate LMS becomes crucial especially under fuzzy environment where uncertainties and subjectivities are considered. Because of this, the paper proposes a quality framework inspired from ISOLIEC 9126 to evaluate and rank proprietary, open source and cloud-based LMSs. Then a Fuzzy Vikor (VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje) technique is applied for instantiating the proposed framework criteria and selecting alternatives from three LMSs adopted in Saudi Arabia universities. The obtained results show that the most important criteria for decision makers in these institutions are equally understandability and time behavior. In addition, the open source Moodle was set as the appropriate LMS to meet higher institutions standards.