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Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks for Accurate Event Detection

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJHISI.20210701.oa5
Published by: IGI Global


Event detection at its initial stage is considerably most demanding and more importantly challenging to reduce the causes and damages. The GPS-enabled sensor nodes are possibly a solution for the location estimation, but having GPS receiver in each sensor node makes the network costly. In this paper, the authors have presented a UNL, unknown node localization, method for the estimation of sensor location. The proposed method is based on RSSI, and there is no requirement of extra hardware and communication of data among the sensor nodes. The experiments are conducted in order to investigate the localization accuracy of UNL method, and they analyzed that the proposed method is simple as there is less computation and communication overhead. The proposed algorithm is further compared with other existing localization methods for the accurate estimation of unknown nodes. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the algorithm and its capability for locating the unknown nodes in a network more accurately.