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“Wait and See”

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJPADA.20201001.oa3
Published by: IGI Global


As personal and collective community development becomes increasingly inseparable from interactions with information and communication technologies (ICTs), new constructs representing this relationship need to be explored. In Malaysian Borneo, many indigenous communities are connected to the internet and using ICTs for socio-economic development. This research presents a case study of ICTs use by an indigenous community and inquires if ICTs can address the challenges and open up new opportunities in contemporary life. By using a qualitative approach, the author interviewed 15 participants to understand the use of ICTs to achieve their personal and community's gratifications. This paper highlighted that the community members consider ICTs an important part of their contemporary life. Nevertheless, before making any decision on ICT-related projects, they perform a reflexive examination on the possible impacts of the technology and project. This research also discussed the unanticipated benefits and the negative outcomes of the new technologies on the routine life of the Long Lamai community.