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Students Perceptions, System Characteristics and Online Learning During the COVID-19 Epidemic School Disruption

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJDET.20210401.oa1
Published by: IGI Global


Due to the emergency educational consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic, it is necessary to find an effective and alternative way of learning. Moreover, during this epidemic, the Chinese Ministry of Education announced the “Disrupted Classes, Undisrupted Learning” initiative, offering flexible online learning. With the aim of facilitating a sound learning environment when using online learning systems, various kinds of tools can be applied. Tencent Meeting is one tool that offers various learning features. This study aimed to investigate how students perceived the effect of the Tencent Meeting system features on the two main determinants of the TAM model, namely perceived ease of use (PEOU) and perceived usefulness (PU). The study further analyzed the effects of these two determinants on learning performance. Data were analyzed using regression analysis. The study found the Tencent Meeting system features could account for 55.1% of PEOU and 40% of PU. Another finding shows that PEOU and PU had a significant effect on the students' learning performance. Finally, a discussions and implications are presented.