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Investigation of the Physical Learning Environment of Distance Learning Under COVID-19 and Its Influence on Students' Health and Learning Satisfaction

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJDET.20210401.oa4
Published by: IGI Global


Most undergraduates in Mainland China receive distance education from home because of the COVID-19 outbreak. The unique physical environment of distance learning may have effects not only on student learning but also on student physical and mental health. This study reviewed related studies of the physical learning environment and its influence on learners' physical and mental health. Using factor analysis, the authors developed a questionnaire to measure students' perceptions towards their physical learning environment and their physical and mental health and verified the reliability. Regression analysis was used to explore the influence of physical environment perception on physical health and mental health perception, as well as the predictive ability of these three factors on learning satisfaction. The results of this study provide researchers and educators with insight into learners' perceptions of the physical learning environment and their physical and mental health under COVID-19 and offer suggestions for improving distance-learning satisfaction.