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Service Quality Measurement in Information Systems

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.20211101.oa30
Published by: IGI Global


Traditionally measurements of service quality have followed the expectation-disconfirmation approach. Further, previous studies have shown that negative disconfirmation is more influential than positive disconfirmation. In this research, we hypothesized information systems(IS) service quality scales based on the dimensionality of the expectation-disconfirmation (ED) and desire-disconfirmation (DD) approach. Using the SERVQUAL+ instrument and data collected from 321 IS users, we developed ED and DD based IS service quality scales using contemporary methods, such as LISREL-based CFA. We have proposed and empirically validated the following two new IS service quality constructs: Service Adequacy (difference of expected service and perceived service) and Service Superiority (difference of desired service and perceived service). Our results indicate that both measures have shown better predictive power than earlier scales like SERVQUAL+ and the IS ZOT scales. We have outlined several implications of ED and DD scales to practice and research.