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Geoinformation Technologies in Land Use Monitoring of Fast-Growing Cities for Sustainable Urban Development

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2249-3.ch002
Published by: IGI Global


To understand the territory of fast-growing cities, where there are multiple stakeholders involved, the observation of such dynamics seems indispensable to formulate and implement policies and actions based on a better understanding of these territorial systems. This chapter offers a perspective on how urban territories should be observed through geoinformation technologies that can provide a means for creating monitoring indicators concerning land use of fast-growing cities. The city of Maputo was used as an experimental laboratory for the use of geoinformation technologies in the observation, discussion, and reflection on methods for sustainable urbanism. The discussion includes the implications of the case study and possible developments to take a step forward in land use planning processes to achieve the desired socio-spatial equality.