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The Role of National Culture Values and Trust in Online Sharing Hospitality Platform Acceptance

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.2021050105
Published by: IGI Global


The sharing economy, as an emerging business model, has grown greatly in the last decade. However, the acceptance rate of the sharing economy varies from country to country. Researchers have noted the importance of cultural values on technology acceptance in different countries. This study investigates the influence of national cultural values and trust on the acceptance of online sharing hospitality platforms by users in the US and China via a survey methodology. The four espoused national cultural dimensions of individualism/collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity/femininity, and power distance were measured at the individual level. Extending from the technology acceptance model (TAM), the research model integrates both direct and moderating effects of culture and trust. The two constructs of trust both have significant direct effects on intention to use. Uncertainty avoidance has a significant moderating effect. The results emphasize the importance of trust and cultural values, especially uncertainty avoidance in online hospitality platforms adoption.