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The Copyright Risk of MOOC and the Countermeasures of University Libraries

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJLIS.20210701.oa3
Published by: IGI Global


With the rapid development of MOOCs, copyright risks related to the MOOC cannot be ignored. MOOCs rely on multimedia technology, and the fragmented characteristics of its sources and the profitability of the MOOC involve more complicated legal relationships. It has been proven that an effective way of dealing with copyright risk is through the participation of university libraries in MOOCs. The practical significance of this paper lies in how to exert a library's professional advantages and how to participate in MOOC production in order to solve the copyright risk of MOOC. Furthermore, the rapid development of MOOCs provides the realistic basis for speeding up the legislative process for the adjustment of copyright regulations. Therefore, it is necessary to perfect the copyright legislation related to MOOCs: let no masterworks get into the public domain but allow the orphan works to be used directly on the premise of paying an escrow fee.