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A Novel Sleep Scoring Algorithm-Based Framework and Sleep Pattern Analysis Using Machine Learning Techniques

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJSDA.2021070101
Published by: IGI Global


Maintaining the suited amount of sleep is considered the prime component for maintaining a proper and adequate health condition. Often it has been observed that people having sleep inconsistency tend to jeopardize the health and appeal to many physiological and psychological disorders. To overcome such difficulties, it is often required to keep a requisite note of the duration and quality of sleep that one is having. This work defines an algorithm that can be utilized in smart wearables or mobile phones to perceive the duration of sleep and also to classify a particular instance as slept or awake on the basis of data fetched from the triaxial accelerometer. A comparative analysis was performed based on the results obtained from some previously developed algorithms, rule-based models, and machine learning models, and it was observed that the algorithm developed in the work outperformed the previously developed algorithms. Moreover, the algorithm developed in the work will very much define the scoring of sleep of an individual for maintaining a proper health balance.