Chemical biology, a terminology coined early on in the mid-1940s in acorrespondence from George Beadle to Linus Pauling, has been laterdefined as ‘work in chemistry which is of biological interestdand to thatwork in biology in which the chemical approach is used to solve biologicalproblems’. True to its roots, this issue illustrates the most recent advancesin chemical biology spanning the many facets of this ever-growing field.Such advances include the invention of innovative therapeutic strategies,the understanding of the underlying mechanisms of these strategies, andthe corresponding considerations in relevant biological contexts. Chemicalbiology contains powerful approaches to generate biologically active smallmolecules, to delineate how powerful tools can be used to probe and tomanipulate cell biology providing the basis for therapeutic intervention, tocreate new chemistry-based methodologies for solving mechanisms ofaction, and to discuss particular biological contexts and models by whichnovel therapeutics can be evaluated and applied.