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Smartization in Gatchina

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJEPR.20211001.oa5
Published by: IGI Global


In the paper, a case of a Russian town, Gatchina, is examined to find the reasonable balance between international smart city practice, governmental requirements, historical identity preservation, and human-oriented approach. The article focuses on the democratic urban design of a public space. The project included qualitative and quantitative research, three project sessions with local inhabitants, and preparation of an architectural project based on the collected data. During the design process, organizers faced two types of challenges—economic (shortage of funding) and communication issues (difficulties with informing and recruiting the citizens for the project sessions, under representativeness of some target groups, etc.)—whereby the latter dominate. Nevertheless, the project was effective; it showed that such towns can afford smart city (though by separate projects only) and that collaboration with the citizens contributes to both history and culture preservation and effective competition in federal grants for smart city development.