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Corporate Recognition Award and Reputation Dimensions on Corporate Reputation Consequences

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.20210701.oa12
Published by: IGI Global


The present study aims to investigate the influence of corporate recognition award and corporate reputation dimensions on corporate reputation consequences which are trust, satisfaction, loyalty, and positive word-of-mouth advertisements. Moreover, the study also shows the mediating impact of corporate reputation between corporate recognition award and satisfaction and loyalty. The results of the study show that corporate recognition award and corporate reputation have significant influence on trust, satisfaction, loyalty, and word-of-mouth influence. The corporate recognition dimensions also have a significant influence on corporate reputation consequences except the dimension good employer. The mediating analysis shows that corporate reputation partially mediates between corporate recognition award and satisfaction and loyalty. The results of the study indicate that corporate recognition award and corporate reputation can significantly influence corporate reputation consequences. Moreover, corporate recognition award can make a strong positive impact on consumer perception and response when the reputation of the organization is strong and positive.