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A Performance-Based Comparative Encryption and Decryption Technique for Image and Video for Mobile Computing

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JCIT.20220101.oa1


When data exchange advances through the electronic system, the need for information security has become a must. Protection of images and videos is important in today's visual communication system. Confidential image / video data must be shielded from unauthorized uses. Detecting and identifying unauthorized users is a challenging task. Various researchers have suggested different techniques for securing the transfer of images. In this research, the comparative study of these current technologies also addressed the types of images / videos and the different techniques of image / video processing with the steps used to process the image or video. This research classifies the two types of Encryption Algorithm, Symmetric and Encryption Algorithm, and provides a comparative analysis of its types, such as AES, MAES, RSA, DES, 3DES and BLOWFISH.