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HuDA_COVID Human Disposition Analysis During COVID-19 Using Machine Learning

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJEHMC.20220701.oa1
Published by: IGI Global


Coronavirus has greatly impacted various aspects of human life, including human psychology & human disposition. In this paper, we attempted to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on human health. We propose Human Disposition Analysis during COVID-19 using machine learning (HuDA_COVID), where factors such as age, employment, addiction, stress level are studied for human disposition analysis. A mass survey is conducted on individuals of various age groups, regions & professions, and the methodology achieved varied accuracy ranges of 87.5% to 98%. The study shows people are worried about lockdown, work & relationships. Furthermore, 23% of the respondents have not had any effect. 45% and 32% have had positive and negative effects, respectively. It is a novel study in human disposition analysis in COVID-19 where a novel weighted assignment indicating the health status is also proposed. HuDA_COVID clearly indicates a need for a methodical approach towards the human psychological needs to help the social organizations formulating holistic interventions for affected individuals.